I have realised today why I cannot be a wildlife photographer. Firstly I do not own a lens that is heavier than I am, secondly I seem to lack any patience at all with wildlife and thirdly my knowledge does not exceed that of David Attenborough's documentaries. I have done some wildlife photography in my time, certain child portraits spring to mind, but unlike people (most people) you can usually direct them to achieve the photo you envisage. Tell a damselfly to do a 'looking into the distance pose' and you will find that it will turn the opposite way round and fumble into the undergrowth. This annoys me.
It had just been raining and I dressed appropriately for the task in hand - jeans with a hole in the knee, loafers with a hole in the toe and a t-shirt...with a hole in. I saw a damselfly hovering around the stems of grass and I thought I would find out if I was any good at wildlife photography. 6-7 minutes later I was getting pretty angry and quickly came to the conclusion it was impossible and it couldn't be done. The wind blew the alien-like insect in and out of my viewfinder and was practically impossible to focus on its eye.
I put my macro lens into manual focus, and waited for the dulls in the wind in order to take the shot. Eventually I managed to get these shots when it fell further down the stem where less wind affected it.
I would love to know what you think, if you like them I may consider doing more, however I may upgrade to some proper animals which don't blew in the wind.