Nr Chipping Norton
As I left home, the rain was torrential. The last time I felt rain like this I was stuck in a monsoon on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam. Forrest Gump would have called it "fat rain".
I waited in my car just outside this field for around 2 hours in the "fat rain" until it finally stopped intermittently 15 minutes before sunset. I waded through the soaking wheat field in my waterproof.....jeans with an umbrella in one hand, shutter-release in the other.
After finding a composition I was happy with I set-up and waited for the sun to dip into the clear band of sky on the horizon. As soon as it did the sun bathed the Oxfordshire countryside in an impressive orange hue. If that wasn't enough, a faint rainbow appeared on the horizon. It began to get more and more impressive, eventually I could see every colour in the spectrum. I took the shot when I could see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.