Tuk Tuk - Bangkok - Thailand
(Click on photo for larger version)
This photo shows how different aspects of photography can impact on another. This travel photograph is heavily influenced by my wedding photography style. I thought I would try and get a photo of a tuk tuk with the motio0n of the traffic outside as a streaked blur. However, it was too bright outside to get a slow enough shutter-speed to achieve this, so I opted for different approach of a Tuk-Tuk driver portrait. I asked him if I could take his photo, he nodded and smiled, but don't think he understood how I was going to do achieve this if I was riding in the back. While swerving around the numerous scooters, pedal-bikes, cars and children he looked back through his mirror to give the portrait I was looking for. Shortly afterwards he showed me that his Tuk Tuk could do a wheely, which I never want to experience again.
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